Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that scientists and researchers are just now discovering to be a potentially severe, life-threatening problem. Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder in which individuals may have trouble breathing at night, where they have a decreased amount of air that they're able to breathe in and it can actually stop his or her breathing. This makes them to wake up, sometimes between a hundred to three hundred times a night. This keeps them from receiving the deep sleep they need to feel rested and rejuvenated, and can be the reason for sleep deprivation in many adults.
Many solutions for sleep apnea may include wearing a CPAP machine, surgery, or using an oral appliance in order to help open the airway. It can help the individual sleep without experiencing sleep apnea symptoms. Here at
Dr. Port's office, we fabricate oral appliances for a variety of concerns. We create dentures, retainers, as well as appliances for joint and jaw problems associated with TMJ. We also make appliances for sleep apnea that can help physically hold the patient's lower jaw forward in order to keep the airway from pinching off. We are able to help provide patients with a more comfortable night's rest.
Sleep apnea is one of those disorders that is a very serious problem that many don't even know about, and individuals literally die from the problem because they stop breathing altogether. Treating sleep apnea is so important for a person's overall health, and using an oral appliance is a great alternative to heavy, uncomfortable CPAP machines that may be suggested by physicians for treatments.
- Courtney C.
Amazing group of staff members. First time in years I have been okay with getting my teeth cleaned. I have sensitive gums and other dental offices caused me pain.
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If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea and are looking to use an oral appliance, call Dr. Port's office today to schedule a consultation in order to start the process of fabricating a custom, oral appliance to suit your needs and help you sleep.