Crowns And Bridges

Hendersonville area dentist describes dental bridges and explains how they work

Replacing missing teeth can be easy when patients are advised of all the methods available. Dr. Christopher Port of the Family Dental Health of South Asheville helps patients in and around the area, including Hendersonville, with restoring their smiles with appropriate dental work. For many individuals, replacing missing teeth can be as easy as having a custom dental bridge completed and bonded into place.

Dental bridges are a common method of repairing the smile after tooth loss. They are chosen for many reasons. Often, they are more affordable than dental implants, another solution typically considered by patients interested in replacing a single tooth. They are non-removable, unlike dentures, which need to be taken out every day for cleaning and maintenance. Patients who want something easy to care for, permanently placed, and affordable will find dental bridges to be a great solution.

Dental bridges work by using dental crowns to bond over the teeth adjacent to the gap. They are fused to pontics, or false teeth, that fit into place where the natural tooth once was. Pontics and crowns create a long restoration that is held in place by the adjacent teeth, distributing the biting and chewing forces outward to protect the bridge from breakage. Bridges restore function, efficiency, and beauty to the smile after tooth loss. They are fabricated based on the color and shape of the existing teeth within the smile to ensure they look natural when placed. This is a common worry of many patients; will my restoration stand out and look fake? Our team wants patients to have treatments done that will enhance their smiles, not detract from them.

Call our office for more information
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Patients faced with tooth loss are welcome to contact Dr. Christopher Port and the team of the Family Dental Health of South Asheville to learn about dental bridges, implants, and dentures. Patients can find out which solution is best for their budget and desires. There is no “one size fits all” solution for tooth loss, and our team understands this. We cater to individuals in determining what is most appropriate based on the information they provide to us.

Dr. Christopher Port

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