Complete Dental Care

Providing complete dental care to those from Arden and surrounding areas includes addressing sleep

Our bodies have particular needs in order to maintain optimal function for a lifetime. Well-rounded nutrition and exercise are often discussed, but sleep is also an integral part of all aspects of life. Every person has his or her own ideal in terms of sleep, most falling between seven and nine hours each night. When this ideal amount, which should be determined by nothing other than the body itself, is not met, mental, physical, and emotions symptoms develop. Lack of sleep leads to decreased productivity, memory impairment, irritability, and lethargy, and this is at the mild end of the spectrum. Those whose sleep is chronically affected may begin to experience what are called “micro-sleeps,” such as falling asleep at stoplights.

Part of offering complete dental care to our patients from Arden and surrounding areas includes addressing those issues that may be causing lack of sleep. Disturbances in sleep may be triggered by a number of factors, and it may develop at any age. In some, sleep is disrupted on a short-term basis. It is when days, weeks, or months pass without a decent night’s sleep that investigation into a sleep disorder is warranted. Our staff is experienced in the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the common sleep disorder, obstructive sleep apnea, which affects millions of people each year.

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Obstructive sleep apnea presents as loud, chronic snoring. This is what most people catch. What is commonly missed is the pauses in breathing that take place, sometimes hundreds of times a night. These pauses occur due to a block in airflow, which may happen as the muscles around the windpipe become fully relaxed. The more muscles relax, the more airflow is blocked, and the louder snoring becomes until eventually, airflow stops altogether. As the brain is deprived of oxygen, it rouses sleep ever so slightly so that breathing is resumed.

What is interesting is that, because one rarely fully wakes from an apnea episode, he or she may believe that they simply have a snoring problem. Sleep apnea is far more serious than snoring, and requires professional treatment in order to restore sleep, as well as health.

There are a few methods of treating sleep apnea, of which one can be found with your dentist. Our staff carefully assesses for sleep apnea, and provides non-invasive relief with a customized airway appliance to be worn during sleep. This appliance is comfortable and effective at placing the jaw in the proper position to keep air flowing properly.

Visiting our office, you benefit from complete dental care. Contact us today for your appointment.

Dr. Christopher Port

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