
Hendersonville area dentist describes Invisalign vs. traditional braces

Straightening the teeth has many advantages. It can improve aesthetics, allow patients to take better care of their teeth, and improve bite and function of the teeth. However, when patients are considering realigning their smile, they are often unhappy with the concept of traditional braces. Conventional orthodontics use metal brackets and wires to pull the teeth into alignment. Though effective, they are a turn off for patients who want to improve their smile without the embarrassment of “metal mouth.” Instead, these patients may want to speak to a Hendersonville area dentist about undergoing a treatment known as Invisalign.

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that works in a slightly different manner from metal bracket and wire braces. Invisalign works by using plastic aligner trays, which are worn over the dental arch to reposition the teeth gently over the course of several months. An entire series of trays are made using digitized impressions of the natural teeth. Patients use each tray approximately two weeks before switching to the next one in the series.

Many patients who are considering Invisalign vs. braces often ask their dentist about the advantages of using this state-of-the-art orthodontic alternative. Here are just a few of the most commonly noted benefits of Invisalign over traditional metal brackets and wires:

The aligner trays are smooth and fit precisely over the dental arch, ensuring comfort. Traditional braces have a tendency to scrape inside the mouth, and patients may need to deal with placing wax over these brackets to stay comfortable.

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The primary draw of Invisalign vs. braces is appearance. Invisalign uses clear plastic aligner trays, which are practically indistinguishable from the natural smile while in place. Many patients love that they can go about their day, socialize with others, and feel confident while their smile is improving.

Invisalign is often similar in price to traditional braces making them extremely desirable for patients on a budget.

Invisalign aligner trays are just as effective as metal braces. They can provide a solution to mild to moderate misalignment of the teeth and the bite.

Malocclusion can be corrected with Invisalign therapy, and patients who are interested in achieving a more beautiful smile are encouraged to contact the Family Dental Health of South Asheville today to book a consultation appointment with Dr. Christopher Port.

Dr. Christopher Port

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