Gum Disease

An Arden Area dentist explains the myths & facts about periodontal disease therapy

Have you noticed blood after you brush or floss your teeth? Are your gums swollen or sore? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you could be dealing with gum disease. If you are in the Arden area, Family Dental Health of South Asheville has a team of highly qualified dental professionals that are experienced in diagnosing and treating gum disease to restore your oral health. In the following article, we will examine the myths and facts around periodontal disease and why early diagnosis and effective therapy are important.

Why gum disease is so harmful to your health

Many people think that a little blood after brushing isn’t something to worry about, however this is usually the first indicator that something is wrong with your oral health. Gingivitis is the earliest form of gum disease and its symptoms usually include bleeding, tender gums, and chronic bad breath. While gum disease is serious at any stage, the good news is that gingivitis can be eliminated with prompt periodontal therapy from our Arden area dental office.

If nothing is done, gingivitis will eventually advance to periodontitis. Once you’ve reached advanced periodontal disease you are at risk for jawbone deterioration, infection, and loosening teeth that may eventually fall out. At this point, treatment is focused on stopping the progression of the disease and restorative care may be necessary for bone and tooth loss.

How we treat gum disease

If you notice any of the common signs of gum disease you should call our office and schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Our team has the experience and knowledge necessary to identify your gum disease and provide effective therapy.

For earlier stages of gum disease, we may be able to restore health with a procedure called scaling and root planing. This form of deep cleaning is effective at removing tartar and plaque that have accumulated around and below the gum line. Scaling and root planing also removes the harmful bacteria that contributes to irritated, bleeding gums.

For more severe cases of gum disease, surgical intervention may be necessary to restore bone or tissue loss.

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Common myths and facts about gum disease

Myth #1: A bit of bleeding is normal when you brush too hard.

Fact: Many people think that gum bleeding is a result of brushing too aggressively. If you only notice blood every once in a while, this may be the case, but if you are seeing blood almost every time you brush, it is probably the result of gum disease. Myth #2: Having bad breath means you have gum disease.

Fact: Bad breath can be one of the biggest tell-tale signs of gum disease because it’s a direct result of the bacteria attacking your gum tissue. The good news is that there are other causes of bad breath. If you notice persistent bad breath, it’s always a good idea to schedule an appointment to see if it is gingivitis. Early detection is the best way to restore health quickly.

Myth #3: You can be genetically predisposed to gum disease. Fact: Gum disease is almost always caused by lack of oral hygiene. If you do not brush and floss daily and maintain dental check-ups, bacteria can attack the gum tissue. If you haven’t had a dental exam and professional cleaning in a while, call our Arden area office to schedule an appointment. We can help you get back on track with your oral hygiene.

Myth #4: Gum disease can be cured.

Fact: While gingivitis can be treated, advanced periodontitis is a permanent condition that can only be controlled, not cured. Periodontitis will never fully go away regardless of the treatment.

Whether you think you have some of the signs and symptoms of gum disease, or you simply want to get back on track with your regular dental care, call Family Dental Health of South Asheville today at . When we catch gum disease early enough, we can provide treatment to prevent the development of chronic periodontal disease.

At Family Dental Health of South Asheville, we can help you reclaim your oral health so that you can enjoy the rest of your life with a beautiful, healthy smile. Please call us today to learn more about our services.

Dr. Christopher Port

Published by
Dr. Christopher Port

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