Crowns And Bridges

A seamless smile that includes a beautiful bridge is easy with your dentist in Asheville

For many decades, people have known dental crowns and bridges as traditional forms of restoration. Although a mainstay of dentistry for all these years, crowns and bridges have been improved upon as research brings about innovative techniques and new materials for better repairs. Dental crowns, placed on teeth that have been damaged by injury or large cavities, come in a variety of materials rather than only metal. These restorations can now even be made in a single visit, using CEREC technology.

Where crowns are used to repair damaged teeth, a dental bridge is designed to fill space left by the loss of a permanent tooth or teeth. In our office in Asheville, we are happy to provide patients with personalized care that leads to successful tooth replacement with the most appropriate bridge for their situation.

The purpose of a dental bridge is to fill the empty space, preventing a number of problems. First, placing a bridge keeps teeth from leaning toward the gap. Even shifting in the back teeth can pose problems with chewing, speech, and, eventually, the look of the smile. Filling the gap between two teeth also reduces the risk of cavities and gum disease due to oral bacteria

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. Our dental team has years of experience treating patients with personalized tooth replacement. The process of creating a fixed bridge begins with the preparation of anchor teeth, which are the teeth adjacent to the gap. Impressions are then taken so that a mold can be sent to the dental lab where the bridge will be made. In the lab, two dental crowns will be made, and will be fused to an artificial tooth. This tooth will sit on top of the gums, filling the space between the anchor teeth.

Dental bridges are made with a great deal of precision for a superior fit that will provide the patient with years of function. Excellent oral hygiene is necessary to maintain the greatest degree of oral health, with brushing and flossing gently to remove bacteria that may otherwise collect around and under the restoration.

Family Dental Health of South Asheville is dedicated to helping patients keep their healthy, beautiful smiles. Contact our office today for your visit.

Dr. Christopher Port

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