Six Month Smiles

Orthodontic options for Hendersonville residents: Invisalign vs. 6 Months Smiles

Dr. Christopher Port and his team at Family Dental Health of South Asheville are dedicated to helping you achieve the beautiful, healthy smile of your dreams. We accomplish this goal through exceptional dental skill, cutting-edge technology, five-star customer service, and personalized care. Our patients are not treated like numbers, they are treated like cherished family members, and we recognize that each person is a unique individual. That is why we offer a number of options, to ensure that we have the best solution for you.

An increasing popular aspect of dentistry is orthodontic treatment. People are more aware of oral health and esthetics than ever, and we have more options than ever for straightening your smile. Many patients ask whether Invisalign or Six Month Smiles is a better option. The answer depends entirely on your oral health, and your personal preferences. We believe that both systems are outstanding in their comfort, effectiveness, and patient experience, or we would not offer them.

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Six Month Smiles

The number one benefit of this system is the expedited treatment time. In just a few months, you can be out of braces and enjoying your amazing new smile. The brackets and wires are made of discreet materials, clear or tooth colored, so that you can avoid the embarrassment of a metallic-looking smile.

Six Month Smiles is designed specifically for adults who want to straighten the visible teeth. Teens and individuals with bite alignment issues are better served with Invisalign treatment.


This system is unique in the fact that there are no brackets or wires. Your teeth are straightened with gentle pressure applied by clear plastic aligner trays. It has two features that our patients especially love. First, the aligners are ultra-thin and crystal clear; so many people will never notice that you are wearing braces. Second, they are removable, so you can eat anything you want and there are no extra steps in oral hygiene.

Have you been waiting for the right time to straighten your smile? That time has come – you deserve to look great and feel great, and we want to help. Call our office at and schedule your orthodontic consultation today. We are located in Asheville, just a short drive from Hendersonville.

Dr. Christopher Port

Published by
Dr. Christopher Port

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