Gum Disease

Avoid surgery, tooth loss with proactive periodontal disease therapy in Arden, NC

It’s not unusual for patients at Family Dental Health of South Asheville to have very few cavities. Yet, they may be losing many of their teeth due to gum disease. Your gums deserve the same tender, loving care as the teeth that they hold in place. Plus, due to the nature of gum disease, an existing infection can spread from the gums into the mouth and to other parts of the body. In turn, prompt periodontal disease therapy in Arden, NC at the office of Dr. Chris Port not only fights a major threat to the integrity of your teeth, but appropriate therapy also supports your overall health and wellbeing.

The importance of routine check-ups

Most types of advanced gum disease develop over time. As a process, there are many opportunities to treat chronic or adult periodontitis. But, to properly and promptly treat gum disease, we need to detect the presence of this condition. Gum disease is known to be relatively pain-free and asymptomatic until it has progressed to its later or more advanced stages. For this reason, it’s incredibly important to maintain check-ups and professional cleanings at Family Dental Health of South Asheville as directed by Dr. Port. He can detect subtle or early signs of gum inflammation and gingivitis, the stage of the disease that precedes periodontitis. From there, adjustments to oral hygiene and recommendations for oral care products may be recommended to prevent the disease from progressing. In its earlier stages, gum disease can be halted and its effects can be reversed.

Depending on your needs, Dr. Port may suggest a “deep” cleaning, scaling and root planing, to remove the sticky bacterial film (plaque) and hardened plaque (tartar) from within the pockets that form between the teeth and gums as periodontal disease progresses. Additionally, cleaning involves smoothing out the root surfaces. So, that way, bacterial toxins don’t collect and flourish at those sites.

Call our office for more information
New Patients: | Existing Patients:

Modifications to home care techniques and office treatments, like scaling and root planing, are so effective in dealing with gum disease that most of the time no more treatment is needed to resolve it. With appropriate and early intervention, we at Family Dental Health of South Asheville help you and your family members avoid the need for invasive periodontal surgery and tooth loss.

The power of relationship-based care

Our team enjoys getting to know each patient and his or her family. Since we develop strong relationships with our patients, we know their unique and personal risk factors for conditions such as gum disease and tooth decay. In fact, due to our treatment of many generations within a single family, we are also in tune with those conditions that may have a genetic component. An understanding of each patient and his or her family’s risk factors helps to facilitate proactive and effective treatment. How we intervene depends on the specific risk factors that we need to address, including:

  • Lack of consistent brushing
  • Lack of flossing or irregular flossing
  • Inadequate flossing and brushing techniques
  • Inconsistent professional cleanings at our office to remove hardened plaque
  • Use of tobacco and nicotine-containing products, such as e-cigarettes
  • Poor diet and nutritional deficiencies
  • Dry mouth, often a side effect of medications
  • Systemic medical conditions that suppress the immune system or depress saliva production
  • Oral conditions such as tooth-grinding (bruxism), which accelerates the breakdown of those tissues that support the teeth

Even minor changes, such as demonstrating easier ways to floss between teeth, can make a big difference in the health of your gums, smile, and body. We at Family Dental Health of South Asheville look forward to seeing you soon, and regularly for check-ups and cleanings. Call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Port at the Arden, NC office.

Dr. Christopher Port

Published by
Dr. Christopher Port

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